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Lonza (o Capocollo)
Salame Lardellato
Salame Dorato
Salsiccie di fegato
Salame di fegato
Fegatino Piccante

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A farmer's life is definitely stern and harsh
but the results obtained pay back every hardship.

Clean air, the sun, the earth, the sky.
The mystery of life that continuously renews itself.

The awareness of having contributed, with one's work,
to preserve some of the beautiful things of the world.

The serenity of knowing what we eat.
The emotion of fully enjoying the genuine taste of things.

All are the result of a productive method.
The organic one.
Ultimately, it is the outcome of a lifestyle.
The rural one.

Such style, philosophy and enthusiasm,
can be found in the products of the Recchi Organic Farm.
In the typical taste, in the guaranteed quality and in high nutritional values.
Total quality without compromise is what
organic agriculture offers.

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Copyright © 2006 Fattoria Biologica Recchi - Tutti i diritti riservati | Petritoli (FM) Italia | P.IVA 004840800445

